Monday, September 25, 2006

What have we been doing?

Wow, it's been 2 weeks since I've blogged. What have we been doing?
We went to my mom's in Paris, Texas for her birthday on the 16th. We had so much fun with those long balloons that twist into different shapes and glow in the dark toys provided by Mr. Rick, my moms long time, like almost 20 year long, boyfriend.

Lucy and I have been playing "Babies" alot lately. We each have a baby that we take to the "park" or dance or her new thing is "getting married". We have a ceremony then we all dance. Kitty and Tad are the newest newlyweds. Seems anyone with a long dress on is getting married. Yesterday she asked "Mommy, what's a wife?" Hmmm...

Lucy had her first soccer practice last weekend. We had fun watching 3 and 4 year olds running around kicking balls.

We've been going to the library alot lately and reading books more than ever.

I got a pumpkin last week and Lucy's idea was to do this to it:
Lucy's Pumpkin

We've been busy playing, I guess.

Tomorrow is Lucy's third birthday and we're having a party so I'll be back with lots of photos!

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