Monday, April 16, 2007

2 More Days

Gardner has 2 more days to work and then he can go from a 16 hour work day to a 8 hour work day till we go back to Texas. We will be back home in 2 weeks. I'm so looking forward to going back to my little house. This year it TRULY feels like we are going HOME. All the years before, I felt like I was leaving my home of San Diego, this city feels like home to me but my place of residence and family here has not felt like home at all, I have felt like an unwanted stepchild. The things I miss at home are my gas stove and oven, my rotisserie for fresh roasted chickens, my front porch where we can watch amazing thunder and lightening storms pass by, of course our cat and three dogs, Snuggles Romeo, Smokey, Bandit and Star and going for walks through the vines with them, seeing the birds nests and tasting delicious berries. I miss being able to breathe in all the space around me and know that no one will be walking in and ruining a perfectly good breath of air. I can't wait to plant my garden full of all things yummilicious, to build our papercrete winery and pickout all the goodies that go inside it to make it beautiful. The silliness of going for bike rides, all three of us on my old beach cruiser. I miss my neighbor, Betty, the horses across the road, Doobiedan and Bucket, feeding Daisy the pig and Rio the little pony. We do have fun there.
Most of all, I miss Gardner!!!!! I miss having lunch and dinner and supper with Lucy and him, I miss being together! Isn't that what home is? Being together and being able to breathe in and RELAX. Isn't it important to feel relaxed where you live? It's something that is easily taken for granted except when it isn't available. Breathe and Relax!

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