Tuesday, June 26, 2007

8 Things about me, meme

Mandy tagged me for an "8 things about me" meme. Oh, I'm so not good at these things.

1. I prefer small groups or one on one conversations rather than large groups or crowds.

2. My favorite food is creme, as in homemade whipped cream with a little mexican vanilla and strawberries.

3. I'm scared to have another baby, how can I live and take care of my family with no sleep?

4. I want an organic goat farm so I can have organic meat, make goat cheese and goat's milk soap. I want some old world jersey cows, too. They are mini cows, too cute and I like the taste of cows milk NOT goat's milk.

5. I like quietness, so how does that work with kids? When the volume goes up with a few kids running around screaming, my heart starts beating fast and I can't think, I get overwhelmed.

6. I have heavy cream in my morning coffee. Love it! Did I mention my love affair with cream?

7. My hair is longer than ever and I'm almost 40. I've never been able to have long hair before, it would get so thin, stringy and split ended, now it is thicker, heavy, shiny and I'm amazed with my hair so I have to have it long even if it makes me look old. I think I look pretty good, healthier than EVER!

8. I want a kitchen with no doors on the food and plate storage, ie, cabinets will not have doors, open shelves and drawers only. I like user friendly things.


Jen said...

hmm... with #3 are you saying something?? I'm out of the loop, so you'll have to excuse me...

Anonymous said...

No not pregnant but planning on TTC in the fall. Just gearing up mentally, ya know?

Madeline Rains said...

Oh how I love cream too! Heavy cream in my coffee as well. We get raw cream from Amish farmers once in a while (we're not in Amish country so it isn't cheap to get it) and make our own ice cream with it. OMG! so good. I am so envious about your hair getting thicker as you get older. I am over 40 and my hair is long. I've been told too many times that it looks better long. One day I've just going to cut it all off again. Yours is beautiful.

mandaroo63 said...

Just checking in my friend. Nice surprise to see your 8 things. You'd be surprised how the 2nd one just fits right in. I can't imagine life without Olivia now. But I had reservations as well. I think we get much more patient and calm as "older" moms. I'm actually very glad I waited until my 30s. (I was 39 with Olivia). I'll shoot you an email soon! Miss Ya !

pangolin said...


wayabetty said...

Speaking of "lack of sleep", I came down with a breast infection yesterday, high fever, chills, and headache...and the doctor said the cause of a breast infection is "lack of sleep". Not to scare you away from having the 2nd child or anything. ;-)

lola coca-cola said...

Hi, I just found your question about organic cotton buried in my inbox, I'm so sorry I never responded and I couldn't find your email address. I have never bought any organic cotton because it's only recently that I have enjoyed knitting with cotton, and I have so much yarn in my stash that I REALLY need to knit down before I buy more. Sorry I couldn't be more help, but I'd love to see a pic of the blanket when you get around to making it. I am currently in a knitting slump so some inspiration would be nice.

Danielle said...

Yay, so cool to read your blog again!

I'm making goat cheese now and am gearing up to make some soap, hopefully in the next few weeks. My calendula looks like it's getting ready to bloom, and my plan is to make some soothing lavender/ calendula goat's milk soap for all us sensitive skin folk in my home.

And, I've been yearning for a Jersey too! I've been making a few calls and am on a couple waiting lists. I'm leaning towards going with a midsize Jersey and breeding her down. Once we do that though, we're at max. capacity for our land, for sure. So, I'm trying to think it through a bit before rushing in.

Missing you on the homesteadin' unschoolers ring!

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