Sunday, September 23, 2007

New Friends

We celebrated the Fall Equinox by going out to our new friends farm waaaay out in the country west of us near Lake Whitney about 30 miles away. They homeschool, don't yell at eachother and have milking cows. We bought raw milk, yogurt, butter and eggs. I gave Kerri, the most awesome mom I've met in this state, some kefir grains and she gave me some wonderful homemade orange chocolate soap. They are homesteading and have goats, cows horses, chickens and a garden. Kerri has 3 children. Lucy and the oldest, McKenzie were instant friends, holding hands walking out to see the goats. What a lovely sight. Where's my camera?!?!?!
I have been asking for some nice homeschooling friends for Lucy, Thankyou for answering my prayers so fast!

1 comment:

mandaroo63 said...

I'm so glad to hear you made some new friends that you enjoy! Sounds like a great place to visit, and it's not that far! BTW, you should do the wrapped emotions, it's fun, and I'd love to see what you come up with.

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